Sandhill Crane Hunting in Saskatchewan

The Ribeye of the sky is Definitely a bucket list hunt! Guests that get to experience a lights out sandhill crane hunt have never been so excited. We are allowed a limit of five cranes per hunter and we know when those chances are good. The hunting is as fantastic as the eating as we will be sure to prepare you a meal with crane that will blow your mind. You might even be able to sneak the recipe from our head guide that cooks these to perfection. The best timing for crane hunting is before October 14 as they migrate sooner.


The call of a sandhill crane is distinct from any other waterfowl. You have to hear it to know what it sounds like, but then it can not be mistaken for any other species of waterfowl. These are very wary birds and it takes experience and knowledge to hunt them successfully. While you might get fortunate and have a few cranes come in for a look at a Canada Goose decoy set up, and you might knock down a couple, a successful crane hunt requires the right decoy set up, in the right flight line, and hunters who are very well hidden. You likely wont find your guide bringing out their hunting dog on a planned sandhill crane hunt. These big birds have a 4 inch pointed beak that they will use to defend themselves if wounded.


A sandhill crane hunt is absolutely an experience you won’t forget. These are big birds with wing spans over 6 feet and that means a lot of meat on the breast bone. The meat is darker and the texture is more like beef than other waterfowl. When the ribeye of the sky is on your plate, it is a waterfowl gourmet experience.